HALFAVE ships worldwide! Feel free to email us at info@justapick.com with questions on shipping to specific destinations.

Please read our Return Exchanges Page for more information.

If the goods have not actually been received, please check the order logistics details or contact our customer support .

Shipping cost will depend on the following factors:

The shipment method you choose (we offer Priority Air Mail, Air Parcel Register and Expedited Shipping options);
The destination country that the package ships to;
The number of items you order, as well as the total weight and volume (size) of the package.

We offer some free shipping depending on the order, you can see this on Checkout

All taxes, duties, and customs fees are the responsibility of the recipient of the package. Though we cannot predict what your particular charges will be, you could contact your local customs office for more information regarding your country’s custom policies. Any Packages returned due to customs fee not paid, will be refunded minus the cost of shipping as Store-Credit.

Credit card
To pay by credit card, please select this payment option in the payment order and enter your details.

If you have PayPal account you can use it to pay the amount of the order either by credit card or the prepaid system.

These general terms and conditions apply to all commercial transactions made in our online store, hereinafter the seller. Please read these Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy carefully before ordering. If you are not in agreement with all the terms of purchase and the privacy policy, you must not make any order.